today I slept the deepest sleep, and I so would have liked for us to stay in bed all day. There should be designated stay in bed days... the world would me much better.
the last few nights I have wanted to hide under my pillow from my dreams. I have really had some unpleasant ones... one super sad one was about you. I hate scary dreams, even if they are just the scares of real life.
I am ready for dreams with laughter and joy. Maybe I have been eating something funny?
today I had the luxury of lingering in bed. I slept heavy all night, exhausted from my week. But now I feel so much more myself. Ready to linger tomorrow with you.
it feels like that this entire week I have woken in a flash and had to sprint out the door... so no time to linger over you or kiss you hello. I like my mornings slow and not fast.
totally beyond words exhausted... I awoke and it took all my effort to wake. But I am glad I did... As the day I told you about over dinner had the potential to be a light at the end of the tunnel...
I just cannot seem to recover from the weekend my energy is so low... And I stayed up to late. And this week's schedule is all weird. And we both need to exercise, we would sleep better. And maybe we should not live so near a highway. And we need a new mattress and quieter cats. And....
I was away and though I enjoyed hogging the entire bed in my fancy sheets at the hotel. It is so much better to be waking in bed with you, even if the traffic is loud and the cats are hungry.